
Can your marriage benefit from the scandalous downfalls of politicians?

The media is overwhelmed with stories of celebrity divorces and politicians in the middle of shocking affairs. Unknowingly, these public figures are conveying a messages to the masses…give in to temptation.

When news breaks of a politician having a secretive and scandalous affair, we’re shocked. Shortly after these news leaks, we see a devoted first spouse standing by their partner declaring the strength of their marriage. What message is this sending to the public? That it’s okay to cheat because your loyal spouse isn’t going to leave? Wrong!

Real life doesn’t conform to the “Lewinsky” rules of the political sphere. Dr. Don Azevedo tells listeners what they can learn from the unseemly politicians and how to resist temptation from outside of the marriage.

Dr. Don Azevedo left graduate school with a strong desire to strengthen marriages and families. He received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Tennessee. Don’s work has taken him to a variety of locations from war zones in Desert Storm, corporate settings, hospitals and finally private practice. Don is the Director of 3-C Family Services in Cary, NC where he provides help to individuals, couples and families. To find out more about Dr. Don Azevedo and 3-C Family Services, you can visit them online or call 919-677-0101 for an appointment.