
What is the secret to making your marriage special while also parenting a child with special needs?

Approximately 10 percent of individuals within the general population have a disability. Now, with the rise of certain disabilities like autism disorders, many couples are parenting special needs children. In those instances, making your marriage special can be more like a chore. When so much extra time and energy is put into taking care of a child with special needs, what ends up happening to the marriage?

Becoming a parent for the first time is a challenge and usually involves a degree of adaptation. For parents with a special needs child, however, adaptation can be much more difficult. These parents must learn to adjust to the unique and sometimes scary path of raising a child with a disability. And with the many extra demands that it places upon parents as individuals, having any time to work on the marriage might seem impossible.

Our guest today is Dr. Barbara Lowe-Greenlee, a licensed psychologist with Greenlee Psychological & Support Services in Chapel Hill, NC. She works to help families with special needs children succeed and thrive despite the tough challenges they face. To find out more about Barbara and her practice, visit her website or call (919) 824-5743 to make an appointment.

Does your marriage partner think that the world revolves around them?

There’s a lot of good information out there to help a troubled marriage survive, but when it comes to a marriage in which one spouse suffers from narcissism, there are very few resources available on how to make it work. Some statistics suggest that many troubled marriages contain one partner who has some degree of narcissism – and the outcome is fairly predictable.

When one spouse thinks that the marriage revolves around him or her, it causes extreme stress on the entire marriage. Usually the other spouse recognizes the problem, repeatedly tries to fix the issues and, unfortunately, is unable to change things.

Often, a marriage with this kind of stress will easily collapse but John O’Donoghue believes there are solutions. In many cases, he suggests the most important factor for change is the ability to understand how the narcissistic partner thinks and the willingness to accept it.

John O’Donoghue is a marriage and family therapist with John O’Donoghue Therapy Services in Raleigh, NC. John specializes in providing psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families. He helps people understand what life is like with a narcissistic partner and works to try to make marriages successful when one spouse is narcissistic.

To learn more about John and his practice, visit his website or call 919-341-2477 to make an appointment.

Would your relationship be more successful if it were treated like a business?

Mixing business with pleasure. Some live by this motto, others try everything they can to avoid it. It’s difficult to maintain or even improve your marriage with a spouse that is constantly “on the clock”.

What if you could take the working lessons that you’ve learned in the business world and use it to improve your marriage? Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong!

Both business and marriage are something that require a lot of time, effort and attention to maintain. It can be hard to find a balance in life when there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. Learn how to transform your business finesse into techniques that can improve your marriage.

Of course, the only reliable source for such a topic would have to be a business savvy individual who understands the inner workings of the human mind. Who better than Rob Danzman? Rob Danzman is the Founder and Clinical Director of Fonthill Counseling in Chapel Hill, NC where he specializes cognitive behavior therapy, family crisis management and marriage and family therapy. To find out more about Rob Danzman and his practice, Fonthill Counseling, you can visit their website or call 919-351-5838 for an appointment.