Improve Marriage

Do you have the tools to build a successful marriage?

We’ve all heard the old saying “marriage takes work.” But exactly how much work does it take? Do we all possess the skills that it takes to harbor a successful marriage or are we setting ourselves up for failure?

If you look around at the couples you know, some seem to have a better emotional connection than others. You can tell by their interactions, their body language and even by how they behave apart from their spouses.Do the differences that we see between ourselves and other couples mean that some partners are just luckier than others, or are they on to something that the rest of us don’t know about?

Dr. Bob Dick has been helping couples tap into the skills they need to make a marriage work for more than four decades. In addition to working with couples, individuals and kids at CenterPoint Psychotherapy Associates in Raleigh, NC and Haven Medical Center in Chapel Hill, NC, he trains other psychotherapists. He’s also a 2-term former president of the North Carolina Society of Clinical Hypnosis and an Approved Consultant with The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

To find out more about Dr. Bob Dick and his practice, CenterPoint Psychotherapy Associates, you can visit his website or call 919-215-4703 for an appointment.

Who could have imagined that it would be possible to improve your marriage just by watching television?

One of the greatest American pastimes for individuals, couples, and families continues to be checking out what is on television. We love TV! Whether you’re trying to relax or looking for information on a topic, there is always a show for you.

What about a show for marriage? The pre-scripted sitcom shows of the last fifty years have proven to be a very useful tool in teaching the world what marriage is really about. Does your marriage have what it takes to stand up against famous sitcom sweeties like Mike and Carol Brady from the The Brady Bunch?

“There are actually a lot of great nuggets of wisdom that we can learn from analyzing some of the relationship on TV. You can tell yourself that you’re doing something productive after all when you’re sitting there watching your favorite TV shows,” says Dr. Wynns.

Dr. Kristin Wynns is a child and adolescent psychologist who owns an adolescent specialty private practice in Cary, NC called Wynns Family Psychology. Dr. Wynns and her staff provide therapy and testing services for children, teens, and parents. Dr. Wynns is also the founder of a parenting website called with services available to help parents struggling with behavior and discipline problems at home. Dr. Wynns keeps her skills in marriage psychology tuned at home with her husband of 13 years.

To find out more about Dr. Kristen Wynns and Wynns Family Psychology, you can visit them online or call  919-467-7777 for an appointment.