couples counseling

Are you affected by infidelity in your marriage?

Infidelity appears to be a hot trend in marriages these days. We are plagued with stories about our friends or family members subject to adultery and cheating in their relationships.  With social media constantly creating means of communication, we are continuously able to connect with others and share our stories, concerns, and problems. This readily accessible means of communication can lead to effortless temptations to become unfaithful to our loved ones. Affairs can be either emotional or sexual or a combination of both. Whether they are emotional, sexual or both, there are consequences that may lead to emotional distress to the other spouse. What happens when your spouse or loved one violates the set of rules in your relationship by betraying their fidelity?

Lesli Doares is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Cary, NC. In her practice, Balance Family Therapy, her focus is on helping couples build strong, secure relationships. It is her belief that marriage is a different kind of relationship and, with the proper tools and techniques, most couples can have a happy and successful relationship. Lesli brings both her personal experience and professional training to her work with couples. Her passionate belief in marriage has led to the development of a five step theoretical approach that Lesli detailed in her book Blueprint for a Lasting Marriage: How to Create Your Happily Ever After With More Intention, Less Work. Lesli also writes the A Fearless Marriage Blog where she addresses common challenges to today’s marriages.

To find out more about Ms. Lesli Doares and her practice, Balanced Family Therapy, you can visit their website or call (919) 924-0463 for an appointment.

Do you and your spouse know how to effectively keep the peace in your relationship?

In our society we tend to try to keep the peace in many different settings in life. At work we attempt to keep the peace with bothersome coworkers and demanding bosses. At home we seek to keep the peace with our vexing children, aggravating siblings, and meddlesome parents. When it comes to marriage we try to keep the peace when our spouses ask questions that we may not want to answer truthfully, ask questions about money spending, and ask questions about our needs and wants. Sometimes, to keep the peace we may tell a little white lie as to not hurt our loved ones feelings. However, sometimes it is best to tell the truth so that our spouses are not hurt later down the road. Is it okay to tell little white lies in certain situations? In what ways can we learn to keep the peace between ourselves and our spouses?

Earning his Master’s Degree in Counseling from Humboldt State University, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mental Health Counselor, Mr. Noah Rubinstein strives to expand the visibility and reach of in an effort to counter the tendency within the mental health field to view people as deficient and fundamentally flawed. The mission and vision of and Noah’s efforts have been featured extensively in the media, including numerous radio and television interviews and print articles. Mr. Rubinstein is one of the strongest voices advocating for ethical mental health treatment and challenging the application of the medical and pathology-based models within mental health. He has worked with individuals, couples and families for over 25 years in various social service, counseling, and consultation roles within different communities, including mental health clinics, residential treatment centers, emergency shelters, hospice organizations, home-based therapy programs, summer camps and in private practice.

To find out more about Mr. Noah Rubinstein and, you can visit their website.

Do you and your spouse have whole health?

Health seems to be a hot topic in the world today. Whether it is mental health or physical health, there are always articles in numerous magazines and websites promoting ways to get in shape mentally and physically. We have articles on workout regimens, dietary plans and a combination of both. We also have articles on how to destress and relax. A combination of both of these topics can also be found in various articles in magazines and the internet that promote physical health and mental health together. When you are in a relationship, is it important for you and your loved one to have superb physical and mental health to improve your relationship? If so, what can you do individually and as a couple to achieve this?

Earning her Doctorate’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Indiana State University, Dr. Katherine Kelly is a licensed psychologist in her own psychotherapy and counseling practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dr. Kelly has been named the “pioneer of soul health” through the development of her trademark model, The Soul Health Model. She is a clinical holistic health psychologist. Dr. Kelly is an ongoing contributor to health and wellness magazines and speaks at local, regional, and national educational and corporate health organizations. With over 20 years of direct clinical experience, Dr. Kelly has had extensive experience helping others to heal and evolve.

To find out more about Dr. Katherine Kelly, you can visit her website or call (336) 723-1011 for an appointment.