couples counseling

Conflict is a part of life; do you and your spouse know how to handle the stress?

Stress is all around us, all the time. Family responsibilities, hectic schedules, and a never-ending to-do list make it difficult for couples to slow down and take a breath. When stressful situations arise how do you keep your cool?

When we add stress on top of stress it compounds and festers until it’s dealt with. Couples often lose sight of themselves and focus on the various distractions and priorities that consume their lives. When we can’t take time out for ourselves and we can’t dedicate time to our relationship, our mental health suffers. Go ahead, put yourself and your relationship first and de-stress from the chaos in life with these five simple steps.

Founder of Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill, Dr. Jennie Byrne is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in adult cognitive issues like dementia, attention deficit and anxiety disorders. Dr. Byrne works with individuals and couples to optimize mood and thinking patterns that promote self-improvement and goal achievement. Earning her doctorate in neurophysiology from NYU’s School of Medicine, Dr. Byrne completed her residency at the prestigious Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.

To find out more about Dr. Jennie Byrne and her practice,you can visit their website  Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill,  or call (919) 636-5240 for an appointment.

Have you found yourself stuck in a love rut in your relationship? Are you and your partner feeling unfulfilled?

Sometimes, in a long-term, committed relationship, partners begin to feel that, despite their hops about each other, they aren’t being truly fulfilled the way they expected to be at the start of the relationship. As patterns of low expectations begin to form, many couples don’t know how to reach out to each other, confide their wants and needs, and find solutions to problems.

When there’s a prolonged power struggle, people start to feel frustrated, anxious and insecure, among other things. Sometimes, couples have been stuck in a “trouble spot” for too long, and they don’t have the skills to work their way out.

Today’s guest is Dr. Rebecca Matthews, a psychologist with 3-C Family Services who has an extensive background in both research and clinical work. Rebecca is here to discuss how partners can get out of their love rut and back to a place of happiness and content in their relationship.

To find out more about Rebecca and her practice, visit their website or call (919) 677-0101 to schedule an appointment.

Be sure to check out the 3-C Family Services one-day couples workshop series, A New Beginning. The next workshop is scheduled for Saturday, July 27 from 8am to 4pm.

Beat ADHD and discover how to direct their attention back to the relationship.

Is it possible for a couple to come back from the edge? The truth is that ADHD is a condition that does not discriminate based on age, the effects of ADHD are just as likely to manifest in adults. However, many adults are not even aware that their behavior could be linked to a medical diagnosis. In the final episode of this special, we’ll uncover how an undiagnosed and untreated case of ADHD can eat away and destroy a marriage, as well as what methods are out there to save your marriage from this little acknowledged condition.

Dr. Susan Orenstein received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Temple University. She is a licensed psychologist and Director of the group private practice, Orenstein Solutions, in Cary, NC. Susan specializes in adult relationship issues and has worked extensively in treating couples in situations where ADD and ADHD effect one partner. Susan has been happily married for 23 years and her husband and she co-facilitate the PAIRS couples workshop, where they continue to refresh their own communication skills in front of workshop participants. To find out more about Susan Orenstein and her practice, Orenstein Solutions, you can call 919-428-2766 for an appointment.

Be sure to listen to Part 1 of this special, Does My Partner Have ADHD?