Blended Family

Did you grow up dreaming of the day that your life would turn into an episode of The Brady Bunch? Probably not.

Blended families – those with children from previous relationships – are becoming the norm. That means more and more people are facing the challenges of being a step parent every day, and many of them are completely unprepared.

Many people are now entering into a marriage scenario where one or both partners have children from a previous relationship. Drawn in by love, these new step parents are not considering how becoming a step parent will affect them emotionally, financially or psychologically. On top of that, unrealistic expectations about step parenting often leave people disappointed, worried and in constant turmoil – The Brady Bunch is hardly a realistic portrayal of a blended family, especially if you try to apply it to today’s busy households and lifestyles.

Dr. Ka Rae’ Carey is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in helping individuals, couples and families adjust to changes in the family unit – especially in step parent/stepchild situations. Dr. Carey uses both her extensive education and her personal experience as a stepmother of two to help others deal with the drama, trauma and chaos of stepfamily life.

To find out more about Dr. Ka Rae’ Carey and her Cary, NC based practice, Strong Stepfamilies, you can visit their website at  or call (919) 454-7857 for an appointment. Click here for your free download of Dr. Carey’s 70 Terrific Tried-and-True Tips for New Stepparents.