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The Divorce Help Clinic
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11622 El Camino Real, Suite 100; San Diego, CA 92130; San Diego (Carmel Valley area), CA
San Diego
Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family ; Multiple mediation trainings
Marriage Mediation When you’re Not Sure Divorce is the Solution When couples have insurmountable problems, they commonly see divorce as the only solution. What they don’t know—there is another solution—Marital Mediation. So before you call a divorce attorney, let us save you money, time and heartache by getting your relationship back on solid ground. Marital Mediation helps couples stay married by helping them find solutions to unresolved conflict. It does not waste your time, or ours. We get right down to business and confront the real issues head on. Solutions are generated using individual strengths, rather than weaknesses, to resolve problems. Fatal flaws are examined and choices are made using a short-term, focused process that uses dispute resolution techniques in a problem-solving manner. This helps to break impasses and improving the couple
Specializes in marriage mediation. She received her mediation certification through the National Conflict Resolution Center—an organization founded by the University of San Diego Law Center and the San Diego County Bar Association. In addition, Ms. Fagan has attended countless divorce mediation training, dispute resolution, and most notably graduated the Mosten Mediation Institute. Ms. Fagan is a nationally recognized divorce and relationship expert, the author of two books.
Marriage Counselor
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