
Are you in a last-minute panic about which flowers to buy, where to make dinner reservations, and whether or not you bought this same card for your wife last year? Are you trying to figure out how to top the Valentine’s Day gift you bought last February? Dr. Michael Hall returns to the show to share four sure-fire steps for husbands trying to make a good impression as well as discussing how to move away from focusing on the ever bigger box of candy or flower arrangement and instead paying attention to the individual needs and emotions of your wife.

Michael owns a private practice with his wife Barbara in Charlotte, NC where he not only works with individuals and couples for relationship and marriage counseling, he is a well known figure in the corporate and career counseling world as well. You can give Michael a call at 704.858.2984 to find out more.

Sometimes, a lack of sex can be due to unresolved issues in the marriage, but often, It’s simply that we’ve become too caught up with daily life to change the status quo. Grab a pen, because Dr. Tina Lepage joins us to share seven (actually eight!) tips you can put to work right now to start having better sex more frequently with your spouse.

Tina is the founder of Lepage Associates, where she focuses on personal and professional relationship issues, as well as children and family therapy, and personal growth. You can find out more about Tina and her staff by visiting her website at, or by calling her office at 919.572.0000

Has a lack of sex become an indicator of bigger problems in your marriage? Is the stress of raising kids and working simply compounding the problem? Alisa Bowman joins us to discuss why it is so easy to write off a sexless marriage as finished, why we lose desire in the first place, and what you can do to both desire, and be desired by your spouse.

Alisa is an accomplished and respected author and blogger responsible for numerous health and wellbeing best sellers. She currently blogs about marriage at, where you can sign up for email updates, or browse by categories like conflict, sex, happiness, and kids.