
Are you still hung up on something that you spouse did in the past? So you fell in love, got married, had kids…then what? To the happy honeymooners it’s not always apparent that marriage is something you have to work on to maintain. After a major marriage changing event a lot of couples go to couples counseling to “repair” their marriage, but then what? What happens after couples counseling if couples aren’t happy or nothing has been resolved?

Dr. Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones is owner of KKJ Forensic and Psychological Services in Durham, North Carolina. Katrina has worked with many families during the separation and divorce process and understands the many challenges facing committed couples. She has worked with individuals and couples dealing with issues of infidelity, retirement, and even becoming new parents. Dr. Jones understands that different couples need different approaches to work through their situations at their own pace. To find out more about Dr. Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones and KKJ Forensic and Psychological Services you can visit their website or call 919-493-1975 for an appointment.

Is your spouse having an affair with their co-worker? They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but does it really? It seems that the more time we spend with someone the more bonded with them we become. We find common interests, form jokes, and grow attachments. In most circumstances this is a good thing, however, when you and your spouse are working long hours this can be very troublesome for any relationship. The time spent apart and in the company of co-workers could drive your spouse right into someone else’s arms. Dr. Katy Sampson joins us today to discuss how your spouses work schedule can affect your love life in more ways than you could have imagined.

Dr. Katy Sampson is a psychologist with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC. Katy works with adults, children, couples and families with a wide range of issues. She has assisted couples and families in improving their communication, managing conflict, and dealing with major life transitions. Katy’s a born adventurer who enjoys biking, hiking and experimenting new and exotic foods. To find out more about Dr. Katy Sampson you can visit the Lepage Associates website or call 919-572-0000 for an appointment.

Do your marital fights psychologically damage your children? It is impossible not to fight with your spouse at some point in your marriage. It’s life. But have you ever stopped to consider what the effects are for the people who have the infortune to overhear the bickering, such as your children? Our guest, Bethlyn Johnson, says the effects of fighting can forever change your children’s personal well-being and social interactions.

Bethlyn Johnson is a counselor at Believe in Therapy of Raleigh, NC. New to North Carolina, Bethlyn recently moved from Illinois, where she received her Bachelor’s in Sociology and Psychology, as well as a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Bethlyn has worked with individuals and couples of all sorts using her approach of cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as mindfulness and biofeedback. To find out more about Bethlyn Johnson you can visit the Believe in Therapy website or call 919-755-0545 for an appointment.