
Author and researcher Maggie Scarf joins us to discuss her latest book, September Songs: The Good News About Marriage in the Later Years.  In the book, Maggie examines the “Bonus Years”, or 20+ years after 50 that increased life expectancy has created in the past few generations, and takes a look at how marital satisfaction increases during this phase.

Maggie covers communication, sex, problem solving, and financial issues that affect this stage of life and why it often doesn’t get the coverage it deserves, as well as what she describes as the “U-shaped curve” of marital happiness.

September Songs is out now on Riverhead Books.  You can click here to order it from, or visit Maggie’s website for more information, as well as her blog and other articles.

Worried that your spouse cannot satisfy you intimately? In this episode Dr. Debbie Neel returns (her previous visit can be found here) to discuss the differences of emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy, saying that integrating them allows for a strong, satisfied marriage. Emotional intimacy is the understanding, appreciation, and acceptance between mates: the ‘I love you unconditionally.’ Sexual intimacy is the physical openness, communication, and comfort of love and affection also requiring unconditional acceptance. Dr. Neel notes the differences in mental wiring of men and women, how their thoughts and expectations differ, showing that husbands and wives are not intentionally neglecting each other and argues that couples should understand they will change physically and emotionally and that good communication can help avoid a breakdown of intimacy.

Debbie Neel is a licenced psychologist, certified health services provider and certified sex therapist with a private practice in Raleigh North Carolina. She specializes in individual adult and couples therapy, sex therapy, and attention deficit disorder in adults. To find out more about Debbie and her practice, visit her website at, or call her at (919) 781-8810.

“Hump: True Tales of Sex After Kids” takes a look at restoring the intimate bond between spouses after the changes in life that take place once children enter the picture. Author Kimberly Ford discusses the book and what prompted her to write it, as well as what she learned in the process. The book explores the importance of physical intimacy in making a couple feel like spouses and adults – not just parents. “Hump” is available July 8th on St. Martin’s Press.

Kimberly lives in California with her husband and three children. She received her Ph.D. in Spanish and French Literature in 2001 and since then has published short fiction and essays in magazines including Mothering, The Believer, and Brain, Child. You can find out more about Kimberly and her other work at To find out more about “Hump”, please visit, where you can share your stories as well.

Click here to pre-order the book from