
Do you feel like you can’t live up to what your spouse expects from you in the bedroom? Or do you feel you’re not getting everything you think you should get from your spouse?

Dr. Sara Rosenquist joins us to discuss how our culture’s emphasis on sex can give us unrealistic expectations and put a strain on relationships, and gives advice on how couples can find satisfaction with each other – even if they aren’t in a hyper-sexual Hollywood romance.

Sara is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Chapel Hill and Cary, NC, where she focuses on reproductive issues and sex therapy. You can find out more by visiting her website,, where she has some great articles and free resources available.

Has your sex life become so dissatisfying that you feel restless with your marriage, or even resentful of your spouse?

Marnia Robinson joins us to take a look at the science behind why steamy romance is destined to fade, what that means for the future of marriage, as well as to share some of her 31 tips for reengaging sexually with your spouse and using your biological instincts to rekindle passion.

Marnia is the author of Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Realationships, in which she challenges conventional approaches toward intimacy in relationships and examines the biological and neurological forces that shape our sexual desires. You can order the book from here, and find out more about Marnia and her research at her website,

Sometimes, a lack of sex can be due to unresolved issues in the marriage, but often, It’s simply that we’ve become too caught up with daily life to change the status quo. Grab a pen, because Dr. Tina Lepage joins us to share seven (actually eight!) tips you can put to work right now to start having better sex more frequently with your spouse.

Tina is the founder of Lepage Associates, where she focuses on personal and professional relationship issues, as well as children and family therapy, and personal growth. You can find out more about Tina and her staff by visiting her website at, or by calling her office at 919.572.0000