
Does your relationship have what it takes to be with one another 24/7?

Whether that thought thrills you to the max or chills you to the bone, we all know relationships are difficult and require a significant amount of work from both partners to maintain a working relationship when married. With hectic schedules, careers, and responsibilities to your children there may not be enough time in the day to focus solely on your relationship. When this happens the relationship is no longer the first priority in your life. What can you do to keep your relationship strong and healthy?

Mr. Warren Talbot and his wife, Mrs. Betsy Talbot, have written three books that are focused on helping people define and go after the life they crave. They also have a website, a podcast, and a weekly newsletter, which all reveal the steps they took and the ongoing insights they acquire so you can go from lovers to full partners, too. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot live an unconventional life of traveling the world full time. They spend 24 hours a day together living, working, and traveling.

To find out more about Mr. and Mrs. Talbot and their experience and publications, you can visit their website Married with Luggage.

Do you know how to keep your relationship exciting?

Are New Year’s Resolutions for couples a good idea? With the New Year comes new resolutions and new promises to ourselves to do better in the upcoming year. After the holiday meals and goodies we resolve to better our physical health by eating better, exercising more, and cutting out the sweets and sodas. We promise to kick our bad habits of smoking, drinking, or biting our nails. Some decide to become more organized, reduce stress levels, and be more independent. We seem to be more focused on making ourselves better with these resolutions, but what about our relationships? Is there something we can do in the New Year to keep our relationships health and exciting?

Earning her Doctoral Degree in Counseling Psychology at Temple University, Dr. Susan Orenstein is founder and director of Orenstein Solutions in Cary, North Carolina. Dr. Orenstein has devoted her professional career to helping individuals and couples improve their most intimate relationships. She specializes in relationship and couples issues. Dr. Orenstein is committed to providing state-of-the-art practices in marital counseling and to that end, continues to attend professional training programs.

To find out more about Dr. Orenstein and her practice, Orenstein Solutions, you can visit their website  or call (919) 428-2766 for an appointment.

Does your relationship have what it takes to deal with a medical illness?

Relationships can be tricky; they require communication, honesty, and love to keep it alive and healthy. You recognize what each other need and want out of the relationship and out of each other. You begin to share life lessons with one another. You learn to provide emotional support, validation, and compliments. You start sharing goals and dreams that resonate with both of you. You discover the value of compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. But, what happens when the relationship you’ve worked so hard to keep healthy is threatened by a medical illness and it’s consequences?

Earning his doctorate in Medical Family Therapy from East Carolina University, Dr. Dan Marlowe is the Director of Behavioral Health for Campbell University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine where he is in charge of the psychosocial health of the medical and graduate student body. Dr. Marlowe’s studies focused on the integration of mental and behavioral health in medical settings, as well as the treatment of families and couples dealing with acute and chronic illness. His doctoral residency was spend at Duke Cancer Institute’s Cancer Patient Support program where he helped launch their research program as well as helped to expand their collaborative care program the provides counseling services to patients and their families at no cost. Dr. Marlowe is the president-elect for the North Carolina Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

To find out more about Dr. Marlowe and his practice, Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine, you can call (910) 893-1560 for an appointment.