
Do your days seem to always be filled with obligations and responsibilities to others? Chores to do, errands to run, children to chauffeur? With all the havoc of a modern world it is hard to make time for oneself, let alone their spouse. This hectic lifestyle is often what leaves a couple’s relationship in a state of lackluster. The flirtation, fun, and magic all seem to have fallen to the wayside. Luckily there is an easy and quick way to restore flirtation and fun back into  any relationship.

Monica Stroebel joins us and reveals secretes from her new book The Compliment Quotient. Monica shares simple ways to introduce excitement and  flirtation back into a stale relationship with one simple technique. Monica’s book is now available through Amazon, as well as Barnes & Noble. To learn more about Monica or her book, The Compliment Quotient, visit Monica’s website at

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we’re all reminded just how important it is to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives. But sometimes we can forget that It’s just as important to show appreciation and support for your wife’s role as a mother throughout the rest of the year. What are some of the issues mothers deal with on a daily basis that sometimes go unnoticed, and what can husbands do to show their appreciation?

Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to discuss common complaints from mothers who feel unappreciated and what you can do to support your wife and show her how much you value what she does for your family.

Dr. Wynns has a private practice in Cary, NC and specializes in therapy for children, adolescents, and families. You can find out more about Dr. Wynns practice and services at her website,, or by calling her office at 919.805.0182. Kristen also has a blog called Marriage and Parenting 101 with great advice for parents.