
What’s the secret to having a happy husband?

What have you done for ME lately? Does that sound familiar? Chances are, that question does sound familiar. And it’s often right out of the mouth of wives who also might ask- why should I be nice to you if you’re not nice to me? But maybe those are the wrong questions to be asking. Sometimes, a big part of having a happy marriage is having a happy husband.

More often than not, kids and careers take priority over the marriage, and husbands and wives end up becoming more like roommates instead of best friends and lovers. When couples get overwhelmed with daily life tasks and the little things turn into big things, they might feel like they have no time to nurture their marriage and each other. Sometimes they even feel hopeless about rekindling their original flame. If you are feeling like your marriage is becoming more disconnected, tense, and unhappy altogether, perhaps the first step is changing your attitude toward your husband.

Today’s guest is author and public speaker, Arlene Pellicane. She’s been featured on shows like The Hour of Power, The 700 Club, and TLC’s Home Made Simple. We’ll be talking about Arlene’s book, 31 Days to a Happy Husband, and she’ll give us all a few pointers and tips on improving marriages that are just going through the motions.

To find out more about Arlene, her books and her speaking events, visit her website here.


What’s the real story behind infidelity and affair proofing your marriage?

Though data varies, many researchers and clinicians would say that about 25 percent of men and 15 percent of women engage in an affair during the course of their marriage. Extramarital affairs cross all boundaries. While the news media chronicle the affairs of our leaders and the rich and famous, chances are we likely know couples in our own circles who have experienced infidelity. When it comes to affair proofing your marriage, there are some obvious steps, but also some not-so-obvious ones.

The research that is available suggests that affairs happen across ethnic and racial lines, in red states and blue ones, in the homes of the rich and in the homes of the poor, regardless of educational level and by both men and women. Unfortunately, the statistics show that affairs and infidelity issues can happen across the board. Armed with that knowledge, it’s important to also know the steps to take to ensure your marriage is protected from infidelity.

Today’s guest is one of our regulars, Dr. Kristen Wynns of Wynns Family Psychology in Cary, NC. Though you and your spouse ultimately have control over the boundaries in your relationship, Kristen is here to discuss some of the important tips you both can stick with for affair proofing your marriage.

To find out more about Kristen and her practice, visit her website, or call (919) 467-7777 to make an appointment.

Planning a romantic vacation for couples does not have to be a battle royale.

If you’re like most couples, there just isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that needs to get done. Between work and kids, you’re lucky to squeeze in time to brush your teeth – let alone take a vacation together. You have to balance your professional and home life without dropping the ball on anything important.  Learning to manage the day-to-day can be a huge challenge for most people, making vacation seem impossible.

Our guests today are the brains behind a leading couple’s travel blog, 1000 Places to Fight before You Die. Mike Willits and his wife Luci encourage busy couples to get out and see the world together. It’s time to leave the kids behind and let the relatives do all the heavy lifting. Reconnect and strengthen your relationship by planning and making an annual escape. Whether this means an exotic trip to the other side of the planet, or discovering a neighboring state, the limitless possibilities mean great things for your marriage.  From taking those bucket list dreams and turning them into a reality, Mike & Luci Willits break down the fine art of vacation for couples.

To find out more about Mike & Luci Willits, as well as the 1000 Places to Fight Before You Die, visit their blog.