
When you have a child, everything changes. But does that mean your marriage can’t be what it was before? Does it feel like you and your spouse are both connected to the kids, but not to each other?  Rhona Berens, Ph.D., joins the show to talk about how things change in a marriage after the birth of a child, and what you can do to make sure that you stay connected to each other.

Rhona is a relationship coach and the founder of Parent Alliance, which provides advice and resources to new parents who want to strengthen their relationship with each other. She keeps a blog on parenting issues at, and also offers workshops on getting the most out of your relationship now that you’re parents.

Does it seem like the most serious arguments you and your partner have are always rooted in the same few things? Are you at your wit’s end from having the same arguments over and over?

Dr. Tina Tessina returns to the show to talk about her book Money, Sex, and Kids: Stop Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. She explains how some of those constant stresses in life can turn into big stresses on your marriage, and what you can do about it.

Tina is a licensed psychotherapist in California with over thirty years of counseling experience. She’s written over a dozen books, and hosts a radio show and a relationship blog. You can find her only at, and her book Money, Sex, and Kids can be purchased from Amazon.

Is your marriage no longer magical, but just plain miserable?  Does it feel like you’re trapped with no way of fixing things, to the point where you’re fantasizing about divorce, or worse?  Alisa Bowman returns to the show to discuss her upcoming book, Project: Happily Ever After – Saving Your Marriage When the Fairytale Falters, a personal account of her marriage at its worst and how she and her husband managed to put the pieces back together.

Alisa keeps up a blog at, and has been featured on news shows and in publications across the country.  Her book, which comes out December 28, can be preordered from, and will be available after its release at all major booksellers.