
Can a parent’s advice save your marriage? We’ve feared this day! We thought our chances of escaping this doomed fate were better than average. BUT…it’s finally happened. We’ve finally realized that we have turned into our parents! Leslie Petruk, author of the website OMG! I Sound Just Like My Mother, joins us this week to give us insight on how a parent’s habits or advice can hinder your marriage.

Leslie is a licensed counselor who has been in practice for 15 years. She has specialized training in both marriage and family therapy. She is currently the founder and owner of SteppingStones Counseling & Consulting, a private practice counseling center in Charlotte, NC. With a team of 5 therapists, Leslie and her practice work to provide collaborative counseling services for children, teens, adults, couples and families. SteppingStones is even hosting a women’s self-discovery group on May 3rd. To find out more about Leslie Petruk and Stepping Stones Counseling & Consulting you can visit their website or call 704-335-6100 for an appointment. For more insight on how your parents habits can have an effect on your relationship, visit OMG! I Sound Just Like My Mother!

Are you still hung up on something that you spouse did in the past? So you fell in love, got married, had kids…then what? To the happy honeymooners it’s not always apparent that marriage is something you have to work on to maintain. After a major marriage changing event a lot of couples go to couples counseling to “repair” their marriage, but then what? What happens after couples counseling if couples aren’t happy or nothing has been resolved?

Dr. Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones is owner of KKJ Forensic and Psychological Services in Durham, North Carolina. Katrina has worked with many families during the separation and divorce process and understands the many challenges facing committed couples. She has worked with individuals and couples dealing with issues of infidelity, retirement, and even becoming new parents. Dr. Jones understands that different couples need different approaches to work through their situations at their own pace. To find out more about Dr. Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones and KKJ Forensic and Psychological Services you can visit their website or call 919-493-1975 for an appointment.

Have you ever wondered if there was some secret to a happy life and blissful relationship? We have the answers you’ve been looking for. We spend a large portion of our lives dating and trying to find the person that matches us perfect; someone who we’d be willing to share the rest of our live with. We put so much effort into getting this process right because it is such an important part of our life and our future. Dr. Tami Kulbatski believes that a strong relationship with a significant other is the single most noteworthy contributor to our happiness and life satisfaction. Her insight and tips will help increase the level of positivity in any relationship.

Dr. Kulbatski holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Dr. Tami Kulbatski runs a successful private practice in Toronto, Canada and she is the founder and director of the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology. In her private practice, Dr. Kulbatski provides psychotherapeutic treatment for a diverse range of clients, including couples, individuals and adolescents.  Through her Centre, Dr. Tami provides evidence-based courses, lectures, seminars, and workshops to enhance people’s movement towards a greater well-being and happier, more fulfilled life. Dr. Kulbatski recently published a book called “Ten Commandments for Couples, which is available on Amazon. In her interview, Dr. Kulbatski reveals how to get a free sample of one of her 10 Commandment contributions from her book.

To find out more about Dr. Tami Kulbatski you can visit her website. For more information about the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology please visit them online or call 416-708-7022 for an appointment. To get daily tips on increasing the level of happiness in your relationship you can “Like” the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology on Facebook.