
Does your marriage partner think that the world revolves around them?

There’s a lot of good information out there to help a troubled marriage survive, but when it comes to a marriage in which one spouse suffers from narcissism, there are very few resources available on how to make it work. Some statistics suggest that many troubled marriages contain one partner who has some degree of narcissism – and the outcome is fairly predictable.

When one spouse thinks that the marriage revolves around him or her, it causes extreme stress on the entire marriage. Usually the other spouse recognizes the problem, repeatedly tries to fix the issues and, unfortunately, is unable to change things.

Often, a marriage with this kind of stress will easily collapse but John O’Donoghue believes there are solutions. In many cases, he suggests the most important factor for change is the ability to understand how the narcissistic partner thinks and the willingness to accept it.

John O’Donoghue is a marriage and family therapist with John O’Donoghue Therapy Services in Raleigh, NC. John specializes in providing psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families. He helps people understand what life is like with a narcissistic partner and works to try to make marriages successful when one spouse is narcissistic.

To learn more about John and his practice, visit his website or call 919-341-2477 to make an appointment.

Is your overprotective parenting hurting your child and damaging your marriage? Before we had government agencies in place to advise us on what was good or dangerous for us, we only had one way of finding out this information…through first hand experience. Bumps, scrapes and broken hearts were all part of the novelty that is childhood. However, like anything else, with enough information this has gone away. It seems like parents today want to protect their children from the ails of the world and prevent them from experiencing any of it. This “over parenting” could be harming your child more than helping them. Does your marriage have what it takes to overcome this?

Edie Raether, a self-proclaimed “Change Strategist” is an international keynote speaker, relationship and parenting coach, as well as a bestselling author of several books, including Sex for the Soul and Stop Bullying Now. Focusing on a child’s role in a family unit became a passion of Edie’s. So much so that she developed a character building program from children called “I Believe I can Fly!” As a behavioral psychology expert, Edie has been a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and marriage and family counselor for 30 years and has addressed all relationship, behavioral, health and healing issues. To find out more about Edie Raether you can visit their website or call 704-658-8997 for an appointment. For information about child entitlement and bullying, visit her Stop Bullying Now website.

Is your relationship lacking the necessary spice to keep you going? We all hit a plateau in our relationships. Maybe we’re sick of our routine. Maybe the sex has gotten boring and stale. Whatever the cause, we have the solution. Our guest today, Dr. Judy Kuriansky, has all the answers you need to spice up your relationship and make sex exciting again.

Dr. Judy Kuriansky is a woman of many accomplishments in the field of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Judy works as a certified sex therapist, couples counselor, marriage counselor, writer and professor. Dr. Judy  is an internationally respected psychology who teaches at Columbia University Teachers College and is an honorary professor at China’s Beijing Medical School. Dr. Judy has been featured on many radio and television shows, including Oprah, Larry King Live, and CNN. She runs workshops and seminars for public and professional groups worldwide on dating, love and interpersonal relations. Dr. Judy is also the author or many relationship-focused books, including: Generation Sex, The Complete Idiots Guide to a Healthy Relationship, The Complete Idiots Guide to Dating, as well as The Complete Idiots Guide to Tantric Sex. In her free time Dr. Judy is humanitarian and peace activist. Her band has played for the Dalai Lama and as an NGO representative for the United Nations she has helped educate others on HIV prevention. To find out more about Dr. Judy Kuriansky you can visit her website or call 212-307-6771 for an appointment.