
Is it possible that the one hour a week approach to marriage counseling could be doing more harm than good to your relationship? Is the marriage counseling model driven more by the counselors, or by what your insurance will cover?

John Wilder joins us to discuss the difference between the counseling and coaching models of marriage therapy and why the manner in which insurance companies reimburse clients for marriage counseling has created a system that puts your relationship in jeopardy. John is in private practice in New Castle Indiana and has just finished his upcoming book, You Can Achieve Happily Ever After and Improve Your Love Life Too.

Is a separation looming on the horizon of your relationship? Ideally, a couple can recognize their problems and get help before divorce is considered an option, but all too often, couples will allow conflict and communication issues to fester until marriage counseling is seen as a last ditch effort on the way to divorce court. Liza Shaw returns to the show to take a look at what puts a couple so close to the edge and what can be done to put the marriage back on the right track.

Liza recommends using resources like and the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy to find a qualified professional to help you and your spouse.

Liza is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist with a private practice in Hickory, NC, where she specializes in couples counseling, family counseling, and grief therapy. You can find out more about Liza and her practice at – or visit for interviews and podcasts. You can also call her office at 828.328.4673

The signs of physical abuse are often easy to recognize, but do you know the indicators of emotional abuse in a relationship? Where do we draw the line between a benign sarcastic exchange every now and then and behavior that is truly hurtful to one or both spouses? Dr. Michael Hall joins us to examine exactly what emotional abuse is, the impact it has on both spouses, and steps you can take to remedy this behavior in your marriage.

Michael owns a private practice in Charlotte, NC where he not only works with individuals and couples for relationship and marriage counseling, he is a well known figure in the corporate and career counseling world as well. You can give Michael a call at 704.858.2984 to find out more.