
It takes a lot of moving pieces to make a relationship work; such as patience and compromise. However, perhaps the most important element to any relationship is trust. Without trust a relationship can become stunted from growth. When trust is taken away from a relationship, it can crumble on it’s very foundation. Trust is one of the hardest items to attain and even more difficult to earn back once it is lost.

Dr. Abigail Hirsch, an accomplished scholar of such prestigious academic institutions as Harvard, University of Colorado, and University of Massachusetts,  joins us to discuss how to put trust back into your relationship. Abigail’s background in Clinical Psychology is the driving force behind her website Power of  Two, a marriage counseling website. The results from her online counseling service, Power of Two, have been so successful that the project has received a $2.5 million federal grant dollars. You can find out more about Abigail by visiting or by calling 877-411-4948

Sometimes It can seem like instead of you and your partner running the house, the kids are the ones calling the shots. Are you giving in too often and too easily? Dr. Kristin Wynns joins us on the show today to discuss the importance of holding on to parental control and how websites like No Wimpy Parenting can help families.

Dr. Wynns has a private practice in Cary, NC and specializes in therapy for children, adolescents, and families. Dr. Wynns’ practice is the catalyst behind the No Wimpy Parenting website. You can find out more about Dr. Wynns practice and services at her website,, or by calling her office at 919.805.0182.

Is your busy work schedule, kids, or financial issues making it hard for you and your partner to feel connected? Is trying to keep up with everything and everyone just weakening your marriage? Stephanie Ladd joins us to discuss how couples can re-ignite their marriage and overcome the lull of long term relationships.

Stephanie Ladd has been practicing Marriage and Family Therapy for 17 years. Before moving to the Chapel Hill/Carboro area she practiced  in California. For several years Ladd has run communication skill groups and parenting classes. You can find out more about Stephanie by visiting or by calling (919) 883-9093.