
Have you ever wondered if there was some secret to a happy life and blissful relationship? We have the answers you’ve been looking for. We spend a large portion of our lives dating and trying to find the person that matches us perfect; someone who we’d be willing to share the rest of our live with. We put so much effort into getting this process right because it is such an important part of our life and our future. Dr. Tami Kulbatski believes that a strong relationship with a significant other is the single most noteworthy contributor to our happiness and life satisfaction. Her insight and tips will help increase the level of positivity in any relationship.

Dr. Kulbatski holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Dr. Tami Kulbatski runs a successful private practice in Toronto, Canada and she is the founder and director of the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology. In her private practice, Dr. Kulbatski provides psychotherapeutic treatment for a diverse range of clients, including couples, individuals and adolescents.  Through her Centre, Dr. Tami provides evidence-based courses, lectures, seminars, and workshops to enhance people’s movement towards a greater well-being and happier, more fulfilled life. Dr. Kulbatski recently published a book called “Ten Commandments for Couples, which is available on Amazon. In her interview, Dr. Kulbatski reveals how to get a free sample of one of her 10 Commandment contributions from her book.

To find out more about Dr. Tami Kulbatski you can visit her website. For more information about the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology please visit them online or call 416-708-7022 for an appointment. To get daily tips on increasing the level of happiness in your relationship you can “Like” the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology on Facebook.

Is your relationship lacking the intimacy it once had? With the pressure of a busy schedules, economic stress, and the multiple roles we all fill, it is only expected that we are all stressed and exhausted by the end of the day. With our energy levels tapped, our intimacy levels drop too. Carla Rosinski believes that a lack of sexual intimacy can be a symptom of a lack of intimacy in other areas.

Carla Rosinski, founder of Rosinski Therapy and Consultation in Raleigh, NC, has been focusing on counseling families, individuals, and couples for over 10 years. Carla is a licensed professional counselor with a Master’s in Counseling Psychology. When Carla isn’t working with couples she enjoys traveling and spending time with her pup at the dog park. To find out more about Carla Rosinski and Rosinski Therapy and Consultation you can visit her website or call 919-724-1181 for an appointment.

Anxiety is reaching epidemic proportions with nearly 50% of Americans meeting the criteria for an anxiety disorder at some point in their life. We worry about money, our health, safety, car accidents, whether or not people like us, traveling, work, and more. All this worry takes a huge toll-wasting an enormous amount of time and energy that would be better spent elsewhere. An often overlooked area of concern is the impact of anxiety on our close relationships. Dr. Christine Korol is a cognitive-behavioral therapist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders and sees the consequences of untreated anxiety on the relationships of many of her patients.

Dr. Christine Korol is a psychologist specializing in anxiety and stress in adults and children and is currently practicing in Calgary, Alberta. She has worked for many years, in both private practice and in hospital settings, and is a former lecturer at the University of British Columbia. Christine is also a cartoonist and author of the blog Wired to Worry and is currently working on an illustrated guide on anxiety management. To find out more about Dr. Korol you can visit her site, Therapy Works.