
Is your spouse’s behavior a sign of their sex addiction? The suspicion may have been mounting for some time now. You now find yourself questing their comments, their late nights at the office or business trips, or perhaps, even the long hours they spend in front of a computer. Infidelity, or the suspicion of it, can break a marriage. Physically or online, infidelity could be a symptom of an even larger issue, sex addiction.

Dr. Michael Howard, founding Director of Healing Solutions Counseling Center in Charlotte, NC. Michael is a licensed Professional Counselor and Clinical Addictions Specialist. Among his long list of qualifications Michael is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist & Supervisor with the International Institute for Trauma & Addiction. Michael has published two books: Pathways to Intimacy: Oneversations for Closeness- Creating a Marriage You Have Always Dreamed Of and Intimate Betrayal: Hope & Healing for Couples Recovering From Infidelity and Sexual Addition. To find out more about Dr. Michael Howard and Healing Solutions Counseling Center you can visit their website or call (704) 733-9700 for an appointment.

Is your marriage strong enough to withstand the forces working against it? Many couples, the lucky ones, never have to do much when working on their marriage. Perhaps it’s luck or maybe even genuine compatibility. These couples aren’t the norm. Normal couples will fight, bicker and yell…and they’ll do it often. The question is, can you marriage survive these hiccups and are you handling the situation in a way that could damage your relationship even further?

Jeff Levy joins us this week to give us the inside scoop on how to handle messy marital situations and avoid the formation of negative habits. Jeff has his Master’s in Clinical Psychology and has been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 25 years. Jeff has a private practice in Raleigh, NC called Carolina Counseling & Wellness Center where he specializes in couples counseling and uses his loving marriage of 25 years as his inside source. To find out more about Jeff Levy or  Carolina Counseling & Wellness Center you can call 919-363-0150 for an appointment.

Is your overprotective parenting hurting your child and damaging your marriage? Before we had government agencies in place to advise us on what was good or dangerous for us, we only had one way of finding out this information…through first hand experience. Bumps, scrapes and broken hearts were all part of the novelty that is childhood. However, like anything else, with enough information this has gone away. It seems like parents today want to protect their children from the ails of the world and prevent them from experiencing any of it. This “over parenting” could be harming your child more than helping them. Does your marriage have what it takes to overcome this?

Edie Raether, a self-proclaimed “Change Strategist” is an international keynote speaker, relationship and parenting coach, as well as a bestselling author of several books, including Sex for the Soul and Stop Bullying Now. Focusing on a child’s role in a family unit became a passion of Edie’s. So much so that she developed a character building program from children called “I Believe I can Fly!” As a behavioral psychology expert, Edie has been a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and marriage and family counselor for 30 years and has addressed all relationship, behavioral, health and healing issues. To find out more about Edie Raether you can visit their website or call 704-658-8997 for an appointment. For information about child entitlement and bullying, visit her Stop Bullying Now website.