
Do you have what it takes to be an involved father figure? Only in the most recent decades has the idea of the typical family structure shifted. Where it used to be that women would stay home and raise the children, we now see mother’s going back to work. With the roles and responsibilities of every family changing, the parents must change with it. Father’s are stepping up to the plate and taking a more involved role in their children’s life. From preparing meals and helping with chores to taking the children out for an afternoon, fathers are getting more involved in their children’s lives. The question is, do you have what it takes?

Tony Delmedico is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a private practice in  Raleigh, North Carolina. Tony works with individuals, couples, children and families to alleviate psychological suffering and improve relationships. Tony is currently working on a manuscript entitled “The Journey Toward Deep Fatherhood”. It’s easy to see that Tony’s passion in life is being a father. Tony has been a traditional, stay-at-home, single, and blended family dad for the last 15 years. He really has seen and done it all. To find out more about Tony Delmedico you can visit his website or call 919-623-8118 for an appointment. To hear more about Tony’s thoughts on fathers you can visit his online blog.

Do your marital fights psychologically damage your children? It is impossible not to fight with your spouse at some point in your marriage. It’s life. But have you ever stopped to consider what the effects are for the people who have the infortune to overhear the bickering, such as your children? Our guest, Bethlyn Johnson, says the effects of fighting can forever change your children’s personal well-being and social interactions.

Bethlyn Johnson is a counselor at Believe in Therapy of Raleigh, NC. New to North Carolina, Bethlyn recently moved from Illinois, where she received her Bachelor’s in Sociology and Psychology, as well as a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Bethlyn has worked with individuals and couples of all sorts using her approach of cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as mindfulness and biofeedback. To find out more about Bethlyn Johnson you can visit the Believe in Therapy website or call 919-755-0545 for an appointment.

Is human nature to blame for your lackluster relationship? Sometimes we get so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle around us that we forget we are only human. We too are animals at the base of it all. The innate instincts that we all possess can do anything from save our life to end our relationship. Our guest today has insight into how things like our brain activity and physiological functions can affect our relationship.

Chad Jordan, of Systemic Health Resources in Raleigh, NC, has been working to help couples in a different way then most other psychological professionals. Chad works with the psychological and relational resources that emphasize the interconnected nature of the human condition. Chad is a North Carolina native having received his Bachelor’s in Psychology from UNC and his Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from Appalachian State. To find out more about Chad Jordan and Systemic Health Resources you can visit their website at or call 1-800-755-6309 for an appointment.