
Are issues of past trauma or present anxiety causing conflict in your relationship?  Whether it comes from obvious sources, like military deployment and sexual abuse, or is a side effect of more subtle traumas like put-downs, verbal abuse and neglect, the deep-seated anxiety and stress related issues can manifest themselves as problems with communication and arguments about lifestyle.

Bonnie Gilliom joins us to discuss both large traumas and easily overlooked sources of anxiety for a spouse, as well as discussing the stressful effects of the current economic climate on marriage and what impact different parenting styles can have on a couple.

To find out more about the counseling services Bonnie offers in her Chapel Hill  office, as well as more information about the EMDR technique discussed on the show, visit her website at, or call her office at (919) 636-0994. You can also visit the Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Institute at

Can hypnosis really help your marriage? It may come as a surprise to some, but the answer is yes. The use of hypnosis is a technique that allows you to reveal your inner thoughts and make significant progress in your relationship and your life. Dr. Kathleen Connolly joins us and reveals how hypnosis really works and how it can help. She alleviates any fears you might have about the practice and describes a typical session.

Kathleen is the founder of Acumeans Inc, a private counselling and consulting practice in Charlotte, NC. She provides psychological counseling, clinical hypnosis and more. She is certified in clinical hypnosis by the flagship organization for licensed practitioners of hypnosis, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. You can find out more about her at You can also purchase Dr. Connolly’s hypnosis CD’s, which deal with subjects such as stress, weight, sleep, and smoking by heading to

To find a licensed hypnotherapist in your area, be sure to visit the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

We’ve all procrastinated at some point, but when avoiding important issues becomes a compulsion, it can have negative effects on your relationship.  Dr. Gloria Arenson joins us to talk about her latest book, Procrastination Nation, and discusses the serious consequences that arise when spouses avoid completing tasks – a behavior often motivated my fear.

Gloria is a psychotherapist, teacher, and author, who runs a private practice in Santa Barbara California.  You can find much more information about Gloria’s other books and media appearances, as well as free articles and other resources on her website at  You can order a copy of Procrastination Nation from by clicking here.