
Everyone has incidents where a spouse (either husband or wife) is resistant to cooperation or compromise. What kind of factors lead to this behavior? Do parents, social norms, or other factors have a bigger impact?

Dr. Tina Lepage joins us to discuss common issues where husbands and wives have disagreements and how to assess and resolve these issues. Tina is the founder of Lepage Associates, where she focuses on personal and professional relationship issues, as well as children and family therapy, and personal growth. You can find out more about Tina and her staff by visiting her website at, or by calling her office at 919.572.0000

Sometimes, a couple can’t wait to get the kids out of the house, but in other circumstances, when the children leave, feelings of loneliness can be amplified and there aren’t other family members around to serve as a distraction from other issues that are affecting a marriage. Susan Orenstein, Ph.D. joins us to discuss the positive and negative aspects of children leaving the home.

Susan is a licensed Psychologist with offices in Cary, NC and Chapel Hill, NC and you can find out more about her practice by visiting her website at or calling her office at 919.654.7311

Making big (or even small) decisions can often be tough – the responsibility and conflict it can bring are issues that can’t be taken lightly, but living in a perpetual state of “maybe” can harm both you and your relationship. Dr. Stephen Frueh joins us to discuss the importance of knowing the “yes”s and “no”s in your relationship.

You can find out more about Stephen’s practice, as well as a schedule of his upcoming events at Be sure to visit to read his latest articles and listen to his podcast and check out his book With These Rings, Volume 1: A New Look at Marriage