
Do you feel that your spouse’s lack of appreciation is a sign that he or she is no longer happy with the relationship? Or is your spouse upset with your marriage while you think things are going fine? This dynamic can lead to feelings of betrayal that quickly spiral into much larger problems like suspicion and resentment that can be toxic to your relationship. Charlotte Michie joins us to discuss what role both spouses play in this problem and how you and your spouse can improve your trust and communication to revive the compassion in your relationship.

Charlotte holds Masters degrees in both Social Psychology and Social Work, and does both individual and couples counseling in her Cary, NC practice. You can find out more about Charlotte on her website,, or by calling her office at 919.467.3661

Do you find yourself in endless fights with your spouse that never seem to resolve anything? Or perhaps you never discussing important issues and just letting them fester. Dr. Colleen Hamilton shares strategies for putting an end to destructive fighting and turning conflict into a process that is both constructive and beneficial to the marriage, as well as discussing how much fighting is too much, and whether fighting in front of the kids is always a bad idea.

Colleen practices with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC, where she specializes in interpersonal relationships, depression and anxiety, children’s therapy, and parent coaching. You can find out more about Colleen by visiting the Lepage Associates website, or calling her office at 919.572.0000

Apologizing can be a lot more difficult than it seems. Dr. Kristen Wynns joins us to discuss why some of us find it so hard to apologize to our spouses, the impact of always needing to be right on a marriage, why making your spouse believe your apology is for real can be difficult, as well as her 5 steps for a sincere and constructive apology.

Dr. Wynns has a private practice in Durham, NC and specializes in therapy for children, adolescents, and families. You can find out more about Dr. Wynns practice and services at her website,, or by calling her office at 919.805.0182. Kristen also has a brand new blog called Marriage and Parenting 101