
Is it inevitable that as a marriage matures, satisfaction and communication suffer, or are we simply ill-equipped to manage the emotional changes that are a natural part of relationships? Dr. Bryce Kaye joins us to explore the main reasons marriages lose their verve and how understanding the reflexive nature of our emotions can help repair them, as well as discussing his new book, The Marriage First Aid Kit.

Bryce has more than 35 years of experience in therapy and marriage counseling and has a private practice in Cary, NC and Oriental, NC. You can find out more about The Marriage First Aid Kit at the book’s website,, and you can order a copy from by clicking here. To find out more about Bryce’s practice, visit his website at

Where is the line between a normal concern for your spouse’s well-being, and micr0-managing his or her every decision? Are problems with respect and control solely the fault of the “parent” in the relationship, or do both spouses play a part in creating this kind of dynamic? Dr. Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones joins us to look at the control issues and maturity issues that can lead to this problem and discuss what both spouses can do today to start fixing this unhealthy pattern.

Katrina holds a Masters degree in Forensic Psychology, a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, and has been practicing for over 10 years. Katrina practices with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC and can be reached at 919.572.0000, or by visiting

Do you find that personality differences between you and your spouse lead to constant arguements? Is your passive or agressive behavior fueling your spouse’s behavior as well? Liza Shaw joins us to discuss the perils of both passive and agressive behavior and how you can be assertive – voicing your opinion without being abrasive and without letting your spouse walk all over you.

Liza is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist with a private practice in Hickory, NC, where she specializes in couples counseling, family counseling, and grief therapy. You can find out more about Liza and her practice at – or visit for interviews and podcasts. You can also call her office at 828.328.4673