
Are you ready to have children, but your spouse is not on board? Having children is a very important part of any relationship. This large commitment is exhilarating for some and terrifying for others. Some people get so used to living only for themselves that the idea of children seems impossible. The real problem arises when one spouse is ready to make this life change, while their partner is not. What can be done when a couple is stuck at this impasse? Our guest today has the answer to this question.

Dr. Gina LaFrazza is a psychologist at Lepage Associates in Durham, NC where she provides counseling and evaluation services to individuals of all ages. Couples work with Dr. LaFrazza for a variety of concerns, such as transitioning to parenthood, infertility, managing boundaries with extended family, jealousy and trust, as well as increasing sexual and emotional intimacy. Dr. LaFrazza holds a Doctorate and Master’s in Clinical Psychology, as well as a second Master’s in Educational Psychology. To find out more about Dr. Gina LaFrazza you can visit the Lepage Associates website or call 919-572-0000 for an appointment.

Is your inability to read your partner ruining your relationship? We’ve all stumbled into those relationship traps where it can feel like we’re constantly sticking our foot in our mouths. Anything we say or do seems to land us even further into hot water with our spouse. Perhaps you’ve been stuck in similar situations in the past? Relationship coach, Dave Elliott, thinks that the only tools you need to solve this problem, for now and ever, are a hug and a kiss.

When it comes to making sense of the often mystifying topic of relationships, Dave Elliott is an international Relationship Coach and human behavior specialist who breaks down complex concepts into easily understandable principles and practices. With his deep understanding of human motivational psychology, Dave helps people pull back the curtain in a non-judgmental way on why they and their partner do what they do over and over again. Dave travels around the nation working with groups and individuals supporting Anthony Robbins, one of the world’s foremost authorities on peak performance psychology. In 2011, Dave was honored as a Man of the Year candidate for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Dave joins us today to talk to us about how your relationship can be saved and revitalized using his H.U.G. & K.I.S.S. Hierarchy. To find out more Dave Elliot and the H.U.G.S. & K.I.S.S.E.S. program you can visit Relationship Fix Now or Legendary Love For Life.


Has your fairy tale marriage turned into a nightmare? Ripped from the pages of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice we’ve been made to believe that happily ever after is possible. People spend years looking for their perfect partner and come to find that all the spark and je ne sais quoi that had attracted them to their partners has now fizzled into an unhappy marriage. Family therapist, Lesli Doares, doesn’t believe in having only two choices: either remaining in a miserable marriage or getting a divorce; Lesli believe in happily ever afters.

Leslie Doares is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Cary, NC. In her practice, Balance Family Therapy, her focus is on helping couples build strong, secure relationships. It is her belief that marriage is a different kind of relationship and, with the proper tools and techniques, most couples can have a happy and successful relationship. Lesli bring both her personal experience and professional training to her work with couples. Her passionate belief in marriage has led to the development of a five step theoretical approach that Lesli detailed in her book Blueprint for a Lasting Marriage: How to Create Your Happily Ever After With More Intention, Less Work.

To find out more Lesli Doares and her practice you can visit the Balanced Family Therapy website or call for an appointment at 919-924-0463. Lesli’s book, Blueprint for a Lasting Marriage: How to Create Your Happily Ever After With More Intention, Less Work, is now available on