
How important are chemistry and connection in a relationship? When we met that special someone we felt the chemistry to keep it going. It was new. It was exciting. When we fell in love we built a connection that made us feel invincible and as if we could conquer anything as a team. When that connection dwindles in a marriage the effects become apparent in all aspects of the relationship. Is there a way to keep the marriage going when the connection is gone?

Dr. Barry Rand joins us today to help us answer this question. Dr. Rand received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and completed the Advanced Marriage Therapy Training program with Dr.’s John & Julie Gottman of the Gottman Institute in Seattle. Barry has been a NC Licensed Psychologist for 14 years and currently has a private practice in Asheville, NC called Asheville Marriage Therapy. To find out more about Dr. Barry Rand or his practice, Asheville Marriage Therapy, you can visit their website call 828-216-0018 for an appointment.

Is your relationship lacking the necessary spice to keep you going? We all hit a plateau in our relationships. Maybe we’re sick of our routine. Maybe the sex has gotten boring and stale. Whatever the cause, we have the solution. Our guest today, Dr. Judy Kuriansky, has all the answers you need to spice up your relationship and make sex exciting again.

Dr. Judy Kuriansky is a woman of many accomplishments in the field of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Judy works as a certified sex therapist, couples counselor, marriage counselor, writer and professor. Dr. Judy  is an internationally respected psychology who teaches at Columbia University Teachers College and is an honorary professor at China’s Beijing Medical School. Dr. Judy has been featured on many radio and television shows, including Oprah, Larry King Live, and CNN. She runs workshops and seminars for public and professional groups worldwide on dating, love and interpersonal relations. Dr. Judy is also the author or many relationship-focused books, including: Generation Sex, The Complete Idiots Guide to a Healthy Relationship, The Complete Idiots Guide to Dating, as well as The Complete Idiots Guide to Tantric Sex. In her free time Dr. Judy is humanitarian and peace activist. Her band has played for the Dalai Lama and as an NGO representative for the United Nations she has helped educate others on HIV prevention. To find out more about Dr. Judy Kuriansky you can visit her website or call 212-307-6771 for an appointment.

Have you ever wondered if there was some secret to a happy life and blissful relationship? We have the answers you’ve been looking for. We spend a large portion of our lives dating and trying to find the person that matches us perfect; someone who we’d be willing to share the rest of our live with. We put so much effort into getting this process right because it is such an important part of our life and our future. Dr. Tami Kulbatski believes that a strong relationship with a significant other is the single most noteworthy contributor to our happiness and life satisfaction. Her insight and tips will help increase the level of positivity in any relationship.

Dr. Kulbatski holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Dr. Tami Kulbatski runs a successful private practice in Toronto, Canada and she is the founder and director of the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology. In her private practice, Dr. Kulbatski provides psychotherapeutic treatment for a diverse range of clients, including couples, individuals and adolescents.  Through her Centre, Dr. Tami provides evidence-based courses, lectures, seminars, and workshops to enhance people’s movement towards a greater well-being and happier, more fulfilled life. Dr. Kulbatski recently published a book called “Ten Commandments for Couples, which is available on Amazon. In her interview, Dr. Kulbatski reveals how to get a free sample of one of her 10 Commandment contributions from her book.

To find out more about Dr. Tami Kulbatski you can visit her website. For more information about the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology please visit them online or call 416-708-7022 for an appointment. To get daily tips on increasing the level of happiness in your relationship you can “Like” the Toronto Centre for Positive Psychology on Facebook.