
Do you have what it takes to create and maintain a passionate relationship?

In the midst of keeping up with the demands of modern life like paying bills, maintaining a household and career and raising a family, it’s easy for a couple to let go and lose sight of their once intense and deeply satisfying connection. When that goes on for too long though, it becomes harder for the couple to stay in it for the long haul. And when the spark goes out, which it is bound to do at some point, many couples settle into a functioning relationship instead of working to create and maintain a passionate relationship.

In the beginning, couples make long-term commitments to each other in hopes of experiencing deeper levels of connection and passionate engagement. What they often forget, and sometimes ignore, however, is the importance of nurturing the relationship and keeping the passion alive on a daily basis and for the remainder of their lives.

Today our guest is Dr. David Aspenson, a licensed psychologist who practices in Chapel Hill, NC. David is a big believer in creating and maintaining an enduring passionate relationship, and he’s here to discuss some of the challenges that are associated with preserving the passion. While it seems like a no-brainer, David says it certainly is not for the faint of heart because it takes much effort. Sound intimidating? Worry not. It is, in fact, possible for all of us.

To find out more about David and his practice, visit his website or call (919) 402-9212 to schedule an appointment.

It’s that time of year again… What are your New Year’s Resolutions? What about your relationship resolutions?

At the start of a new year, many people try to set goals for themselves, their relationships, and their families. With the highest of hopes, they plan for the best and most positive possible outcomes. The problem, however, is that some people sometimes set their expectations a little too high and then become frustrated and overwhelmed when they don’t accomplish everything exactly as they had planned. And then some things, like relationship resolutions, are given up on altogether.

The reality is that couples and families can sometimes be overcome with all of the little things life has in store- work, kids, taking care of other family members, and other pesky responsibilities. In many cases, couples don’t cherish and nurture their relationship and end up taking it for granted. They don’t realize it’s an entity that needs cultivating and developing just like anything else.

Today, our guest, Dr. Susan Orenstein of Orenstein Solutions in Cary, NC will be discussing how couples can use the New Year as a way to motivate themselves to set goals as a team. As a licensed psychologist and the director of Orenstein Solutions, Susan says it’s the perfect time for couples to take stock of their relationships, clarify their goals as a pair, and come up with a good action plan for 2013.

To find out more about Susan and her practice, visit her website or call (919) 428-2766 to schedule an appointment.

Check out Susan’s Pairs Workshops here, and be sure to find out more about the PAIRS App for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

What’s the secret to having a happy husband?

What have you done for ME lately? Does that sound familiar? Chances are, that question does sound familiar. And it’s often right out of the mouth of wives who also might ask- why should I be nice to you if you’re not nice to me? But maybe those are the wrong questions to be asking. Sometimes, a big part of having a happy marriage is having a happy husband.

More often than not, kids and careers take priority over the marriage, and husbands and wives end up becoming more like roommates instead of best friends and lovers. When couples get overwhelmed with daily life tasks and the little things turn into big things, they might feel like they have no time to nurture their marriage and each other. Sometimes they even feel hopeless about rekindling their original flame. If you are feeling like your marriage is becoming more disconnected, tense, and unhappy altogether, perhaps the first step is changing your attitude toward your husband.

Today’s guest is author and public speaker, Arlene Pellicane. She’s been featured on shows like The Hour of Power, The 700 Club, and TLC’s Home Made Simple. We’ll be talking about Arlene’s book, 31 Days to a Happy Husband, and she’ll give us all a few pointers and tips on improving marriages that are just going through the motions.

To find out more about Arlene, her books and her speaking events, visit her website here.