
Keeping your marriage healthy takes a lot of work under the best of circumstances.  Tina Tessina, a.k.a. “Dr. Romance”, joins us to talk about her latest book, The Commuter Marriage and discusses what steps couples can take when one spouse is away for days or weeks at a time.

Work assignments, better paying jobs, and military deployments are just a few of the circumstances that can put a couple in the position of having a commuter marriage.  Tina takes a look at the issues a couple needs to address to make sure the time apart doesn’t adversely impact their relationship, as well as examining the benefits that time apart can provide a couple.

Tina is the author of 13 books and is a licenced psychotherapist with 30 years of experience in counseling.  Her website,, offers much more information about her workshops, appearances, and book signings, as well as a free newsletter and blog on marriage tips.

You can order a copy of The Commuter Marriage from by clicking here.

Bill and Pam Farrel join us to talk about their book, The 10 Best Decisions a Couple Can Make, and explain the importance of emotions and communication in making decisions for the good of your relationship.

The Farrels also discuss the importance of keeping a positive outlook regardless of the challenges your relationship faces, as well as how great an impact keeping a sense of humor, even in trying times, can have on your marriage.

The 10 Best Decisions a Couple Can Make is out now on Harvest House Publishers.  Order it now on Amazon.  You can visit their website, for signed copies of this and other books, as well as more information about Bill and Pam’s CD sets and speaking engagements.

Author and researcher Maggie Scarf joins us to discuss her latest book, September Songs: The Good News About Marriage in the Later Years.  In the book, Maggie examines the “Bonus Years”, or 20+ years after 50 that increased life expectancy has created in the past few generations, and takes a look at how marital satisfaction increases during this phase.

Maggie covers communication, sex, problem solving, and financial issues that affect this stage of life and why it often doesn’t get the coverage it deserves, as well as what she describes as the “U-shaped curve” of marital happiness.

September Songs is out now on Riverhead Books.  You can click here to order it from, or visit Maggie’s website for more information, as well as her blog and other articles.