
Lack of attention does not have to mean lack of a relationship.

Is an undiagnosed case of ADHD to blame for your spouse’s lack of attention to your relationship? The acronym ADHD summons several images to mind. We’re more likely to think of overactive children unable to concentrate in school, not our full-grown, adult partner. The truth is that ADHD is a condition that does not discriminate based on age, the effects of ADHD are just as likely to manifest in adults. However, many adults are not even aware that their behavior could be linked to a medical diagnosis. Have you ever felt like a parent to your spouse, always micromanaging and making sure they do what they promised. It is possible that your spouse has ADHD. Perhaps, on the flip side, you feel as though your partner is always nagging you and constantly repeating themselves. It is possible that you have an undiagnosed case of ADHD. In this two-part series of Stay Happily Married, we’ll uncover how to spot the signs of ADHD in your spouse, as well as how an undiagnosed and untreated case of ADHD can eat away and destroy a marriage.

Dr. Susan Orenstein received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Temple University. She is a licensed psychologist and Director of the group private practice, Orenstein Solutions, in Cary, NC. Susan specializes in adult relationship issues and has worked extensively in treating couples in situations where ADD and ADHD effect one partner. Susan has been happily married for 23 years and her husband and she co-facilitate the PAIRS couples workshop, where they continue to refresh their own communication skills in front of workshop participants. To find out more about Susan Orenstein and her practice, Orenstein Solutions, you can call 919-428-2766 for an appointment.

Click here to listen to part 2 of this special.

Is your spouse’s behavior a sign of their sex addiction? The suspicion may have been mounting for some time now. You now find yourself questing their comments, their late nights at the office or business trips, or perhaps, even the long hours they spend in front of a computer. Infidelity, or the suspicion of it, can break a marriage. Physically or online, infidelity could be a symptom of an even larger issue, sex addiction.

Dr. Michael Howard, founding Director of Healing Solutions Counseling Center in Charlotte, NC. Michael is a licensed Professional Counselor and Clinical Addictions Specialist. Among his long list of qualifications Michael is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist & Supervisor with the International Institute for Trauma & Addiction. Michael has published two books: Pathways to Intimacy: Oneversations for Closeness- Creating a Marriage You Have Always Dreamed Of and Intimate Betrayal: Hope & Healing for Couples Recovering From Infidelity and Sexual Addition. To find out more about Dr. Michael Howard and Healing Solutions Counseling Center you can visit their website or call (704) 733-9700 for an appointment.

Is it possible that having too much money can ruin a marriage? We all have stress in our life. Too many hours at work, too little time with the kids, too much money….wait…what? We always hear of the stress and arguments that can come from finances being stretched too tightly, but it isn’t very often that we hear of the damaging effects that too much money can cause. Is it possible that living in the lap of luxury could mean loosing your spouse?

Dr. Ashley Freeman is a psychologist with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC. She holds a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology, as well as a Master’s in Psychology, from Iowa State. Her clinical experiences are diverse, as she continually seeks the new and the challenging. Dr. Freeman is experienced in individual, couples, family and group therapy for all ages. Ashley has worked in a variety of clinical settings including college counseling centers, group therapy clinics, university departmental clinics, private practice and even a home for veterans.

To find out more about Dr. Ashley Freeman and Lepage Associates you can visit their website or call 919-572-0000 for an appointment.