
Has your sex life become so dissatisfying that you feel restless with your marriage, or even resentful of your spouse?

Marnia Robinson joins us to take a look at the science behind why steamy romance is destined to fade, what that means for the future of marriage, as well as to share some of her 31 tips for reengaging sexually with your spouse and using your biological instincts to rekindle passion.

Marnia is the author of Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Realationships, in which she challenges conventional approaches toward intimacy in relationships and examines the biological and neurological forces that shape our sexual desires. You can order the book from here, and find out more about Marnia and her research at her website,

Are you dreading the day when your kids start dating? Different parenting styles, youthful defiance, and parental concern may seem like recipe for disaster. It’s no wonder that parents of teens often have some of the lowest marital satisfaction.

Annie Fox joins us to discuss what to expect when your kids reach dating age, how to deal with your concerns in a way that doesn’t alienate your children, and how to keep some sanity in your marriage during the process.

Annie has been writing books for teens and educators for almost 40 years. Her book The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating is available for free on her website, While you’re there, be sure to check out her other books, including the Middleschool Confidential series, her blog for parents and educators, and her podcast.

Changing jobs, or even careers has become a common occurrence in today’s economic climate and can be one of the most disruptive events in a couple’s relationship. Dr. Tina Lepage returns to the show to take a look at what makes these transitions so stressful to a marriage and shares tips on how to keep anxiety about schedules and income from creating tension and distance between you and your spouse.

Tina is the founder of Lepage Associates, where she focuses on personal and professional relationship issues, as well as children and family therapy, and personal growth. You can find out more about Tina and her staff by visiting her website at, or by calling her office at 919.572.0000