
Do your marital fights psychologically damage your children? It is impossible not to fight with your spouse at some point in your marriage. It’s life. But have you ever stopped to consider what the effects are for the people who have the infortune to overhear the bickering, such as your children? Our guest, Bethlyn Johnson, says the effects of fighting can forever change your children’s personal well-being and social interactions.

Bethlyn Johnson is a counselor at Believe in Therapy of Raleigh, NC. New to North Carolina, Bethlyn recently moved from Illinois, where she received her Bachelor’s in Sociology and Psychology, as well as a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Bethlyn has worked with individuals and couples of all sorts using her approach of cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as mindfulness and biofeedback. To find out more about Bethlyn Johnson you can visit the Believe in Therapy website or call 919-755-0545 for an appointment.

Are you ready to have children, but your spouse is not on board? Having children is a very important part of any relationship. This large commitment is exhilarating for some and terrifying for others. Some people get so used to living only for themselves that the idea of children seems impossible. The real problem arises when one spouse is ready to make this life change, while their partner is not. What can be done when a couple is stuck at this impasse? Our guest today has the answer to this question.

Dr. Gina LaFrazza is a psychologist at Lepage Associates in Durham, NC where she provides counseling and evaluation services to individuals of all ages. Couples work with Dr. LaFrazza for a variety of concerns, such as transitioning to parenthood, infertility, managing boundaries with extended family, jealousy and trust, as well as increasing sexual and emotional intimacy. Dr. LaFrazza holds a Doctorate and Master’s in Clinical Psychology, as well as a second Master’s in Educational Psychology. To find out more about Dr. Gina LaFrazza you can visit the Lepage Associates website or call 919-572-0000 for an appointment.

Are your intimacy issues to blame for those extra pounds that you’ve put on? We’ve heard of couples who begin to pack on the pounds when they are in a committed relationship and feel comfortable with each other, but there may be an underlying reason to this new weight gain. Our guest today will let us in on how the ups and downs of our relationships can effect our eating habits, as well as how to prevent those unnecessary binges.

Karen Koenig is an expert on the psychology of eating. For over 30 years Karen has been working to help troubled eaters, who have been stuck in a cycle of dieting and bingeing, to break free and access a healthier lifestyle that will keep them at a healthy weight for life. Karen has a double Master’s in Education and Social Work. Karen is the international  author of four books that focus on eating and weight, including Nice Girls Finish Fat, The Rules of “Normal” Eating, The food and Feelings Workbook, as well as What Every Therapist Needs to Know about Treating Eating and Weight Issues. Karen’s free Facebook app, called APPetite, will be available this online this month. Karen also moderates a Yahoo Food and Feelings board, as well as a weekly blog for Gurze books.