
Is your busy work schedule, kids, or financial issues making it hard for you and your partner to feel connected? Is trying to keep up with everything and everyone just weakening your marriage? Stephanie Ladd joins us to discuss how couples can re-ignite their marriage and overcome the lull of long term relationships.

Stephanie Ladd has been practicing Marriage and Family Therapy for 17 years. Before moving to the Chapel Hill/Carboro area she practiced  in California. For several years Ladd has run communication skill groups and parenting classes. You can find out more about Stephanie by visiting or by calling (919) 883-9093.

Has weight become an issue in your marriage? Are obesity issues causing health, intimacy, and body image issues for you or your spouse? Dr. Paulomi Raiji joins us to discuss the prevalence of obesity problems in marriages the obesity rate in the country rises, as well covering which spouse is most to suffer from the physical and emotional issues that come with weight gain. She also covers the impact weight gain can have on intimacy in a marriage and where to draw the line between weight gain with age an serious health issues.

Paulomi practices with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC, where in addition to providing holistic clinical services, including cognitive behavioral therapy, guided imagery, and meditation, she specializes in body image and self esteem issues. You can find out more about Paulomi by visiting, or by calling 919-572-0000 for an appointment.

Do you feel disappointment that your marriage isn’t the storybook romance you’d hoped for? Do you find yourself wondering if maybe your partner isn’t the one you were meant to live happily ever after with after all? Jon and Beverly Meyerson are here to talk about what “happily ever after” really means – what really happens after the fairytale wedding, and what you can do to ensure your own happy ending with your spouse.

Jon and Beverly are a married couple who have helped hundreds of other couples both together and on their own – Jon is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Beverly is a Relational Coach – and are the authors of a weekly relationship newsletter and the book After the Glass Slipper: 8 Proven Steps to Lasting Love.

You can find them online at, where you can find out more about their book, their advice column, and more. After the Glass Slipper can be purchased from Amazon.