Rosen Law Firm

We often read about happy couples in romance novels and see healthy relationships in movies. This overexposure to the “ideal couple” often leaves us questioning our own relationships. We find flaws in our relationships that we often have no idea of how to overcome. Our lack of proper communication and skills can often leave couples wondering “why did I marry you anyway?”

We’re joined this week by Mrs. Barbara Bartlein. Barbara is also the author of the book Why Did I Marry You Anyway? Overcoming the Myths That Hinder a Happy Marriage. Barbara is a registered nurse and holds a master’s degree in physical and mental health. She is a licensed psychotherapist and has had a private practice for over 20 years that specializes in couples and families therapy. Barbara has worked with hundreds of couples as they have struggled to save their marriages.

Barbara’s book is avilable on You can find out more about Barbara, as well as her current and future book releases at