Rosen Law Firm

Have you ever felt suffocated in your relationship? Perhaps you feel like you and your spouse are always fighting. It would seem as through the fights and arguments have consumed your relationship whole! No matter what you do, you can’t seem to escape from one argument before you’re in another brawl with your spouse. When you are stuck in this seemingly endless loop, the best person to call on could be your spouse.

Dr. Tina Tessina, a licensed psychotherapist who has been practicing marriage and family therapy in California for over 30 years returns the show this week to discuss her book “How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free”. Tina has been featured on Oprah and Larry King. She has her own radio show and online blog. Tina has also authored over a dozen books, including “Money, Sex and Kids”, as well as “The Commuter Marriage” which have been featured on our site previously. You can find out more about Tina by visiting

Let’s face facts, no relationship is perfect! In the “relationship road trip” there are potholes, speed bumps and road kill that all couples have to try steer clear of. More often than not, when we have stopped paying attention, we run into something we didn’t mean to hit.  The best way to protect yourself, and your spouse, is to spot the troubled areas on the road ahead, before you hit them head on.

Dr. Karen Sherman joins us to discuss how to set expectations and enjoy your relationship to the fullest.  Karen is a licensed psychologist in New York and has been in private practice for over 20 years. Karen focuses on relationship and marriage counseling and how to help people achieve their greatest potential. Karen is author of “Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life” and the co-author of “Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last”.  Karen is a featured author on such online forums as Yahoo Personals,, and

Karen’s books are available on To find out more about Karen you can visit her websites, or

It takes a lot of moving pieces to make a relationship work; such as patience and compromise. However, perhaps the most important element to any relationship is trust. Without trust a relationship can become stunted from growth. When trust is taken away from a relationship, it can crumble on it’s very foundation. Trust is one of the hardest items to attain and even more difficult to earn back once it is lost.

Dr. Abigail Hirsch, an accomplished scholar of such prestigious academic institutions as Harvard, University of Colorado, and University of Massachusetts,  joins us to discuss how to put trust back into your relationship. Abigail’s background in Clinical Psychology is the driving force behind her website Power of  Two, a marriage counseling website. The results from her online counseling service, Power of Two, have been so successful that the project has received a $2.5 million federal grant dollars. You can find out more about Abigail by visiting or by calling 877-411-4948