
Does absence really make the heart grow fonder?

The modern day world of employment is a far more competitive place then it was only a decade ago. The 9-to-5 workday has seemingly disappeared, and with it the typical business commute. Today, it’s not uncommon to see married couples engrossed in the demanding nature of their jobs and saying “goodnight”, or perhaps it’s “good morning”, to each other from opposite ends of the globe, trying to keep their long distance love afloat.

Planes, trains and automobiles make the world a much smaller place; a beneficial feature that many companies take advantage of. With the physical distance between spouses growing, how can a relationship survive the absence? Exactly how distance is too much? When does absence stop making the heart grow fonder and start tearing apart a relationship?

Earning her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Regent University, Dr. Janet Savia has an expansive background in the healthcare profession. She’s worked in medical laboratories, as a high school teacher, in a Fortune 50 corporation’s health care division, and as a health care consultant. These days, Dr. Savia is a therapist working with individuals and couples at Sage Psychology Group in Durham, North Carolina.

To find out more about Dr. Janet Savia and her practice, Sage Psychology Group, you can visit them online at Sage Psychology Group or call 919-472-0637 for an appointment.

Can you try to make them stay, when “bye” is what they really want to say?

What do you do when your other half wants to leave but you can’t believe that it’s over? Perhaps the romance is waning or it could be that the fights are escalating. Is there anything that can be done to help save your relationship when your spouse wants out?  

With the growing rate of divorce in North America and the ease with which we see people using the term “separate”, it can sometimes feel like a battle to try and stay together amongst a crowd of those who don’t. Can a couple really save the life that they have built together when an issue as threatening of this looms overhead?

Liam Naden is the director of Growing in Love for Life, a New Zealand based practice which provides 21st century tools and coaching methods to assist individuals and couples in saving their marriages and improving their relationship. With 25 books and counting, Liam is author of the Amazon Kindle bestsellers, “The Sexless Marriage Cure: How to Get Your Spouse (or You) Interested in Sex Again”, as well as “Stay or Go: How to Know if Your Marriage is the Right One for You”. Liam is the host of his own fortnightly relationship podcast series, “Growing in Love for Life: Save and Strengthen Your Marriage.”

To find out more about Liam Naden and his practice you can visit Growing in Love for Life online. You can also download a copy of Liam’s Amazon Kindle bestseller, “How to Save Your Marriage  When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to.”