Reconnecting with Your True Self

Are you and your spouse in tune with your true selves?

Our twenties is the time for identifying who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. We go to school to get our degrees and discover careers options that maximizes our talents and skills all the while finding that certain someone to start a family and share our future with. We start to grow older as a unit as the years go by. We settle into life-long careers while the children take piano lessons and play sports for school. But, what happens when you haven’t discovered who you truly were before getting married and starting your family? Eventually you will have to find yourself and it can be a messy journey. How do you go about finding yourself? How does not knowing who you truly are affect your loved ones?

Earning her Masters Degree in Human Development and Marriage and Family Therapy from Auburn University, Mrs. Carmella Whitehead is founder of Whitehead Counseling Services in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mrs. Whitehead has provided individual, couples and family counseling for eight years. She is particularly skilled in mind-body therapy, finding self-worth and reconnecting to your true self. Mrs. Whitehead’s work is characterized by intuition, compassion, optimism and collaboration.

To find out more about Mrs. Carmella Whitehead and her practice, Whitehead Counseling Services, you can visit their website at  or call (646) 530-0993 for an appointment.

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