When He Won’t Go to Marriage Counseling

It is often found that when a couple is having marital problems, the wife is in favor of going to marriage counseling while her husband is against the idea. In this 20 minute podcast, Dr. Michael Hall discusses what tactics are doomed to failure and which simple strategies work for wives who want to convince their reluctant husbands to attend counseling.

Dr. Hall enjoys national recognition as an authority on dual-career couples issues.

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Adele Turkel March 6, 2013 at 10:55 pm

I am a 70 year old woman. I don’t look my age. Everyone says I look 55.
My husband just turned 76 1 month ago. We are married 45 yrs.He retired from the treasury dept 3 years old. I have one daughter who is married and has one daughter and a set of twins. He is also a very secretive man and kept his health men’s issues from me. About 3 months ago he came home and said that he needed a break and separation. He said he is going through a midlife crisis and needs to be alone. He is living in a studio apt. I am very upset, feel betrayed at what he did. I had no idea that he was going to do this. I went to a rabbi 2 months ago and said do not pressure him to come back. Give him space.

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